Gandha Thailam Gel Capsule 100’s


Gandha Thailam Gel Capsules are for Enhanced Bone Health, Favours Fast Healing Of Fractures, Relief From Pain And Stiffness, Easy To Carry And Consume
Keep moving with strong bones and healthy joints!

An Ayurvedic formulation that brings immense benefits to your joint health! AVP Gandha Thailam Gel Capsules in an easy to carry and consume format can safeguard not just the joints but the entire musculoskeletal system, effectively.


  • Promotes the strength of bones and joints
  • Helps to decrease pain and stiffness
  • Aids in reducing strain and sprain
  • Favours fast healing of fractures
  • Diminishes the chances of recurrent injuries
No. of Capsules

100 tablets

Original price was: ₹600.Current price is: ₹590.

1.67% Off







Product description

As the ageing progresses bones become thin, more fragile and prone to fractures. In order to prevent this, it is necessary to provide enough nourishment to bones and joints. Proper care should also be given to ligaments and tendons as they brace, strengthen and protect the bones, reducing the pressure on them.

Gandha Thailam is an Ayurvedic oil fortified with potent herbs that can be taken internally. Compared to the traditional oil format, this soft gel capsule form is more palatable and easy to consume orally. This wholesome formulation helps in overall bone and joint health. When consumed appropriately, the formulation aids faster healing of fractures and is beneficial in aiding recovery from sprains .

With more than 30 ingredients, AVP Gandha Thailam Gel Capsules effectively act on Vata dosha and bone tissues. It contains herbs that possess strengthening properties like Bala, Devadaru and Rasna. Black sesame seed, the main ingredient which is a rich source of Calcium, is processed in cow's milk and licorice decoction. This improves the strength of bones and helps prevent further damage.

Additional Information:


Manufacturer The Arya Vaidya Pharmacy (Coimbatore) India Ltd.
Country of Origin India
Manufacturer Address The Arya Vaidya Pharmacy (Coimbatore) India Ltd, The Arya Vaidya Pharmacy (Coimbatore) Ltd., Opp.Railway Station, Kanjikode, Palakkad – 678621.
Packer The Arya Vaidya Pharmacy (Coimbatore) India Ltd, The Arya Vaidya Pharmacy (Coimbatore) Ltd., Opp.Railway Station, Kanjikode, Palakkad – 678621.
Net Quantity: 100 capsules


Key Ingredients

Krishna Tila (Sesamum indicum)
rich in nutritional value, having Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Calcium and Magnesium
Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
As per Ayurveda, included in 'Sandhaneeya' group meaning, it supports faster healing and repairing of broken and degenerating bones
Kushta (Saussurea lappa)
A Vata balancing herb that aids relief in pain and inflammatory changes in joints
Bala (Sida cordifolia)
Agryoushada (the best) for Vata disorders as per Ayurveda


Adults (18+ years)
2 capsules twice daily before food
Children (5+ years)
1 capsule twice daily before food or as directed by the Ayurvedic Physician


Step 1

Step 2

Step 3


Not needed. You can buy it online.
However, it is advisable to consume the same under the guidance of a trained Ayurvedic physician.

What does it contain? + Net Qty

AVP Gandha Thailam Gel Capsules contain over 30 nourishing ingredients such as Krishna Tila, Yashtimadhu, Bala, Rasna etc. that favours bone health. Net Quantity - 10 capsule strips


AVP Gandha Thailam Gel Capsules carries the exact same benefits of traditional oil format in a compact format, supports the health of bones and aids faster healing of fractures.


  • Pregnancy
  • Allergy to any ingredient
  • Lactose intolerance

Please Note: In all the above conditions, consult an Ayurvedic Practitioner for expert opinion before consuming the product.


1. How is Gandha Thailam Gel Capsules different from the traditional oil form?

Gandha Thailam in its original oil form is often advised to be used internally and externally. While using it internally, it is recommended to mix sufficient drops with cow’s milk. AVP Gandha Thailam Gel Capsules comes in an easy to carry and consume format which makes the whole process of internal administration easy, without compromising on benefits.

2. Should I consume milk along with Gandha Thailam Gel Capsules?

Milk is considered as an excellent source of Calcium. AVP Gandha Thailam Gel Capsules are mainly indicated in fractures and bone health where Calcium is necessary. Although the formulation contains cow’s milk as an ingredient, milk may be consumed along for additional benefits.

3. Is Gandha Thailam Gel Capsules safe for kids?

Children during their growth and development phase require adequate bone and joint support. Due to their active lifestyle, they are also more prone to bone injuries including fractures and sprains. The Capsules are beneficial for children above 5 years if they are old enough to consume the same.

4. Can I take Gandha Thailam Gel Capsules with other medications?

AVP Gandha Thailam Gel Capsules generally do not cause any adverse reactions. But if you are taking any other medications or supplements, it's best to consult a qualified Ayurvedic Practitioner to ensure there are no potential interactions or contraindications. Please ensure to leave adequate time gaps between medications.

5. I have a few more questions. Can I get an expert’s help?

At AVP, we have qualified Ayurveda Physicians to provide expert opinion on all your health concerns. Please click here to consult a registered Ayurveda Practitioner, now.

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