Heart Care in Ayurveda

The human heart is a marvel of nature that is sensitive to physical and emotional wellness. The Vedic sciences of Ayurveda, Yoga, and Tantra all view the heart as a critically important energetic hub in the body, where a diverse range of physical and energetic pathways intersect.
In recent times, a significant rise has also been observed among young adults. In fact, heart disease is currently the leading cause of death among both men and women , so the heart is certainly an organ deserving of our attention and care.
High consumption of cholesterol, leading a sedentary life, stress, anxiety and smoking are some of the common causes which leads to the deposition of toxins in the arteries. Untreated heart diseases may need surgery to prevent severe health complications.
How Ayurveda Sees the Heart
The heart is an important seat (primary location) of vata, pitta, kapha, and ojas (the subtle essence of vitality and immunity), and it plays a crucial role in a number of internal bodily channels (srotamsi). The heart is also deeply integrated with the subtle body, which permeates and informs the physical body, extends beyond the physical form, and is more energetic in nature.
Causes of Heart attack Even 2000 years ago in ancient India, fat was observed to be linked to heart disease. Today, atherosclerosis is one of the most common conditions that lead to heart disease. High serum levels of LDL-cholesterol is widely recognized as a precursor of atherosclerosis
- In addition to atherosclerosis, high blood pressure typically stresses the cardiovascular system and may accelerate the development of heart disease.
Some risk factors of heart attack are as follows:
- Increasing age , Sedentary and Stressful lifestyle,Diabetes,Overweight
The Ayurvedic Approach to Caring for the Heart
Subtle Therapies
The ancient texts emphasize the importance of calming the mind, practicing non-violence, maintaining mental health and happiness, conserving vital energy, and controlling the senses.. The following therapeutic strategies support heart health by:
- Reducing stress.
- Supporting mental and emotional well-being.
- Clearing the bodily channels and energetic pathways
- Promoting the healthy flow of prana throughout the system.
- Kindling agni.Clearing aama.
- Supporting ojas.
Herbal Therapies
Arjuna is the foremost rejuvenative for the heart in the Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia. It strengthens and tones the circulatory system and promotes the proper function of the heart muscle. These properties support the maintenance of healthy cholesterol levels, blood pressure values, and proper coagulation in the blood.
Sariva – balances Vata, Pitta, Kapha; purifies the blood, builds build, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, aphrodisiac, helps in anemia and hemorrhaging
Cinnamon – balances Vata, Kapha, purifies the blood, acts as a heart strengthener, and circulatory stimulant
Garlic :Boil a cup of milk with a garlic clove, cinnamon, and honey and drink in the morning. You could also start your day by eating a clove of garlic to enjoy its heart-friendly benefits.
Tulsi, reduces excess kapha from the lungs, promoting clear, comfortable breathing, stimulating healthy circulation, and supporting proper function of the heart.
Ginger is very good for the heart and the circulatory system because it promotes healthy circulation, vasodilation, and healthy sweating..
Turmeric :It also purifies the blood, strengthens digestion, and helps to eliminate ama (toxins) from the digestive tract, which in turn supports the heart.
Amalaki :Amalaki is deeply nourishing to the bodily tissues, supports the proper function of the heart, and provides a highly-concentrated source of antioxidants.
Cardamom :is a common folk spice used to improve blood circulation and offer relief from cardiovascular problems. Perhaps one of this herb’s most prominent features is its outstanding ability to reduce high blood pressure, a common cause of heart disease that is closely linked to heart blockages.
Cinnamon:cinnamon can reduce high blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity — both factors associated with elevated risk of heart disease.
Ayurvedic herbs with known and proven value like – Guggulu, Pushkarmoola, and Jatamansi for managing risk factors of cardiovascular conditions.
Diet Recommendations
- Foods to avoid:
- Red meats ,Cheese, butter, condensed milk, milk cream, palm oils etc
- Trans fatty acids such as hydrogenated oils,Salty foods such as fries, pickles, etc
- Sugary foods like cakes, pastries, chocolates, icecreams, Tea, coffee, colas
- Alcohol,Canned vegetables and fruit syrups