Golden Goodness of Ghee

Golden goodness of ghee
Ghee or clarified butter, was said to be the food of the Gods In our ancient scriptures. Since time immemorial, it has been an integral part of a sattvic bhojan (sound eating regimen) to annihilate side-effects of sicknesses from the body.
Benefit of using ghee
Ghee increases intelligence. It refines the buddhi or intellect and improves the smrti or memory.
Ghee also builds the aura, making all the organs soft. Basically, it increases rasa – the internal juices of the body.
Ghee stimulates the secretion of acids in the stomach that help break down food.
It also helps remove toxins and promotes elimination, thus improving digestive quality. So it Rekindles the digestive fire
Ghee increases the intestinal walls for better absorption of nutrients .
It is ideal for conditions such as leaky gut syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Being a source of fatty acid it helps in reducing the risk of colon cancer.
Ghee nourishes and lubricates tissues in the body. It reduces dry skin, dry colon, inflammation and stiff joints.
Ghee increases your memory and intellect. It is beneficial for mental and emotional imbalances.
Ghee along with Triphala and honey, is used to improve eye health.
Ghee is a well-known catalyst (anupana) and has the unique ability to drive the healing properties of the medicinal herbs deep into the seven body tissues (sapta dhatus).
This increases the effectiveness and healing potency of the herbs dispensed.
Helps to reduce stress, anxiety, risk of cancer, diabetes, and improves immunity
It is also anti-inflammatory in nature
“Ghee promotes memory, intelligence, agni, ojas, Kapha and medas.
It alleviates Vata, Pitta, poison, insanity, inauspiciousness and fever.
It is the best of all fats, is cold, madhura rasa, madhura vipaka, has 1000 potentialities and so, if used properly
according to prescribed methods, exerts 1000 types of action”- Charaka Samhita
The Sushruta Samhita, an Ayurvedic classic, claims ghee is beneficial for the whole body,
and recommends it as the ultimate remedy for problems stemming from the pitta dosha, such as inflammation.
Ghee is taken with food for all who desire nourishment. Adding ghee to the daily diet of women,
especially those who are pregnant. It is said to fortify the bones and the immune system.
In Panchakarma and Ayurvedic cleansing, we use ghee to because It penetrates into and helps dissolve
toxins in the tissues of the body. These wastes are then eliminated via the gut.
In Ayurveda, ghee is also believed to enhance ojas, or “life energy.”
“For centuries, ghee has been considered a rasayana,
—which means a healing food that balances both body and mind,”
Ghee’s benefits extend to topical use as well.
Ghee also contains known vitamin E and beta carotene, which are known antioxidants.