

Tackling Migraine with Ayurveda

Tackling Migraine with Ayurveda Tackling Migraine with AyurvedaWith the increasingly busy lifestyle, stress, lack of sleep, and unhealthy eating habits, migraine is becoming a growing concern even in young adults….

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Ayurvedic Therapeutic Enemas/Vasti

Ayurvedic Therapeutic Enemas/Vasti In Panchakarma treatment, five procedures are undertaken for eliminating the vitalized doshas from the body. The five procedures form the basic types of Vasti.Vasti has a great…

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An Ayurvedic Guide to Balanced Sleep

An Ayurvedic Guide to Balanced Sleep Ayurveda factors in three pillars of health, Ahara (Nutrition), Vihar (Balanced lifestyle), and Nidra (Sleep). It’s no wonder that sleep and nutrition are accorded equal importance!  According to the root…

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Golden Goodness of Ghee

Golden Goodness of Ghee Golden goodness of ghee  Ghee or clarified butter, was said to be the food of the Gods In our ancient scriptures.  Since time immemorial, it has been…

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Heart Care in Ayurveda

Heart Care in Ayurveda The human heart is a marvel of nature that is sensitive to physical and emotional wellness. The Vedic sciences of Ayurveda, Yoga, and Tantra all view…

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